Social media can be a great way for small business owners to connect with prospects and customers. Done right, it will grow sales. Some entrepreneurs have even built an entire business on a social media platform, like Rachel Dunston, the founder of Rachel Bakes More Cake, who built a thriving cake business on Instagram. But if you’re not careful, it can be a distracting time suck, or even backfire by alienating customers and prospects.

Here are 10 tips that small business owners can use to nurture a successful presence on social media.

1. Lead with objectives

Start with your top three marketing objectives, then evaluate how social media may help you achieve them. Too often business owners buy into the idea that ‘I have to be there. I have to be in all these new places or I’ll be left behind.’ But social media has to help you reach your objectives or you’re just wasting time. Don’t think of social media as just a megaphone for your business, but think about how it can help you reach your goals.

2. Build your authority

As a business owner, you can’t over-invest in your LinkedIn presence in 2022. This also applies to anyone looking to further their career or success, particularly those working in sales or marketing. Concentrating on growing audiences and engagement on LinkedIn can boost sales and conversion rates. It will also lead toward amazing opportunities for collaboration. Our vast experience tells us that LinkedIn is also excellent for attracting amazing opportunities to be seen as the go-to authority for your industry. Authority is a currency. The more of it you have, the more you can cash in on opportunities for growth of all kinds.

3. Start a conversation

The key thing with Facebook is to remember that the algorithm they use rewards posts that have interaction. If a business posts something but no one responds, then Facebook won’t show it to anyone. They’re trying to keep people on their website, and they can only do that by showing posts and stories that people find interesting. It’s going to get more difficult as Facebook and Instagram are always changing their algorithms. They’ll now favor content from friends over companies and other pages. The key is to ask questions and respond to the answers. A car dealer could post a picture of someone buying their first car and, sure, it’s interesting enough. But if they turn around and ask people, ‘What was your first car?’ they have a chance to get people to answer, and then they can respond. Now, to that person who answered the question, it’s not a car dealer, it’s a car dealer who knows his first car.

4. Show appreciation

Always remember social media is not just about you! Social media is not a monologue where you tell the world about the awards you’ve won or the special deals on your products and services. It’s an opportunity for you to connect, in a meaningful way, with the people who have helped you and supported you in business. If you think about the 10 to 20 most important people in your business world, social media allows you to recognize and thank them for helping you along the way. You can thank them by giving recognition to their posts and tweets: like, follow, and share their messages. It’s your way of saying thank you. More importantly, they will appreciate the gesture and continue to support your efforts.

5. Stand out

Social media is personal. It’s your brand first, and your job or business second. You need to convey your persona. Get above the noise. Be different. You don’t have to wear a superhero costume like me, but in a world of social media noise, you need to stand out and be remembered.

6. Have a clear goal

Advertising on Facebook or Instagram can be lucrative, but it will require an investment in both time and money, and there will be a learning curve. Know exactly what you are trying to accomplish: sales, leads, or both. Avoid “dopey” metrics such as likes, follows, or impressions. Use Facebook pixel and/or Facebook lead ads so you can track and measure results. As a small business owner who advertises on Facebook myself, I measure the ad spend vs. sales or leads generated to determine if it’s worth it or not—so should you.

7. Dominate on one platform

Find out where your target customer spends time online. Then pick one social platform and dominate on that one. Claim your profiles on the other networks, but focus most of your time on that one. Listen first. You need to be ‘friend-raising’ online. I started out (on Twitter) just sharing other people’s content for six months. When you share your own content, do it on a four to one ratio—share four pieces of someone else’s content for every piece of your own that you share. On Twitter, where I have over 324,000 followers, my advice is, ‘Be sweet, retweet.’

8. Create a calendar

Planning your social media activities will allow you to post consistently—and get more consistent results. You can create a strategy and get better results with less time and effort. You can determine which activities to automate and which to assign, whether that’s to an employee or contractor. There are many examples of calendars online so find one that makes sense to you and is easy for YOU to use.

9. Be visual

Photos and art are everything. Attention spans are short so be sure to add photos and videos to your social content. It will boost engagement and is perfect for businesses with products to show off. If you have a service-based business, consider a photo with words or a photo that complements your text. And don’t overlook visually-oriented platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

10. Don’t try to do it yourself

As a small business owner, your time is limited, so delegate social media work to someone (or a team) in your company, or engage an outside expert. Then add the cost of your social media strategy to your budget. We have built our little agency on working with small businesses with big dreams and small budgets.


Social media can feel overwhelming, especially to the already stretched-in-a-million-directions entrepreneur. Even business owners who hate social media can be successful if they are strategic in their approach. A few additional resources that can help include: You’ll find a plethora of tips for succeeding on social media at Neil Patel provides a very solid overview of this topic in his article Social Media Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide. Finally, your local Small Business Development Center or SCORE office also likely offers training and/or consulting on social media strategy at little or no cost.


Mark Thomas is a nationally-recognized integrated marketing professional that has worked for major brands such as DuPont, Volvo, Invisible Fence, and Continental Airlines.  In 2018, Thomas was named as one of the top social media experts by being named to PR News’ “Social Media  Movers & Shakers” list.  In June, he added to his 19 national and regional marketing awards by winning his second “Telly” award for a TV show he created for the City of Bristol.